пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

June 17th - Lily Festival, Japan

On this day every summer, the residents of the city of Nara, Japan collect lily stalks by the thousands which grow on a nearby mountainside. Seven young women dressed in white robes bless the lilies and carry them to the temple ceremony, where the Shinto priest presents a huge bouquet of lilies at the altar. After the blessing, the same seven women carry the lily stalks out, waving them and performing a dance that is meant to cast away the evils of the rainy season, just past. Finally, a huge float of lilies parades around the city, purifying the air. On Lily festival day, have young children dress in white robes (a few bedsheets will do, just secure with a belt, so they won't trip!) and gather lilies (or any flower, if you don't have lilies). Then have them create a dance, holding the flowers, meant to welcome the summer season. 
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