среда, 29 мая 2013 г.


School year is over... Summer is waiting for you... These are some ways how to spend it the best way:
Take up a job
Many companies hire teenagers during the summer season. Most companies face a crunch, what with existing staff vacationing with their families. Hence, for those with career aspirations, get a job. Who's hiring? Almost everyone. If you have a skill, leverage it. Right from BPOs, software firms, advertising agencies, newspapers, corporates, hospitals, hotels... the list is endless.
Take up a hobby
Ya, right. So you've heard this before. But this time around, make it happen. First of all choose your hobby well. Let it be something you've been dying to do all your life. First of all, remember to list all the things you've wanted to do. Then identify the hobby that best fits your time, budget, and location.
Learn a new skill this vacation. Let it be a crash course on enhancing communication skills -- gaining this has become very essential for everyone. It could be a short typing course to enhance your typing skills.
Learn a new game
It's never too late to learn a new game. If you are hooked on to Playstation, move on to something else -- like the Age of Empires. Games are a huge industry and who knows, one of you might get into the industry because of your sheet passion for the game. And then, if you are the brick and mortar type, run to your local toy shop and buy something for yourself. I know a lot of young people out there who love to construct and deconstruct toys/games. For more ideas, you can check out:http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/.
Go adventure-hunting
If you are the adventurous type, the world has suddenly opened up for you. Hunt for new places where you can vacation and conduct adventure sports. It could be a local dam that very few have heard of or it could be the mountain patch that becomes accessible during this season.
Nurture a pet
It could be something as no-high-maintenance like a cat. If you have the will and the time, you could get yourself a dog, a rabbit, a duck, love birds, and such animals. Talk to someone who knows about animals to make your choice.
Do some volunteering
For the socially conscious, may be volunteering with some local social agency might be a good idea. There are many voluntary groups that regularly require youngsters to contribute to their effort. Especially, the NGOs that work with street children. You could enroll up for one of these.
Create a study group
The best way to share knowledge is to create study groups. These are groups of like-minded people, who come together to share thoughts and ideas. Some of the greatest thoughts in history have come due to interactions within the young, like you. Decide on a place and a time. Choose a topic to discuss and run it to ground. Many who are petrified of group discussions can find this activity beneficial.
Learn a new tool
There are some who learn when they create. Learn a new tool... it could be working with a pick-axe or learning to use the scissor well. You could even learn tools like the tools from different ethnicities.

How are you going to spend your vocations?

вторник, 16 апреля 2013 г.

How to Make a Career Choice

There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It's not. Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, but your effort will be well worth it in the end. Follow these steps to making a good career choice. Before you can make a career choice you  have to learn about yourself. Your values, interests, skills, in combination with certain personality traits, will make some careers especially suitable for you and some particularly inappropriate.
Take a Career Quiz

суббота, 6 апреля 2013 г.

Quotation of the Week

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.   

World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated on 7 April to mark the anniversary of the founding of WHO in 1948. Each year a theme is selected for World Health Day that highlights a priority area of public health concern in the world. The theme for 2013 is high blood pressure.
Do you take care of your health? How?

вторник, 12 марта 2013 г.

Do you know that the United Nations has declared March 20 the International Day of Happiness?
Each year, on this date, a universal phenomenon occurs. The sun is on the same plane as the earthʼs equator so that day and night are of equal length, creating balance in the earthʼs celestial coordinate systems. It will be an annual global day of awareness and activities that will drive increasing levels of connectivity, education and action based programs.
How would you like to celebrate it?


11.03. - 17.03. 
Maslenitsa Week

Blini are Russian pancakes, and they are essential to the celebration of Maslenitsa. It is said to symbolize the sun—being warm, round, and golden—they are an appropriate warning to the lingering cold weather. Blini are given to friends and family all through the week and are topped with caviar, mushrooms, jam, sour cream, and of course, lots of butter. 
How do you celebrate Maslenitsa?

понедельник, 11 марта 2013 г.


Today people are crazy about travelling. There are many different types of tourism and some of them are very strange. For example, 

Luxury tourism goes beyond staying in the top suite of hotels. It is about seeking the rare experiences on our planet.
Private tourism is traveling on your own with your own guide and vehicle or transportation. Much of today’s type of travel are “repackaged trips” or cookie cutter in essence and style. We believe that the spontaneity allowed by private travel maximizes your experience since you are on your own clock and not one driven by a large group. You can start and stop at your liking. You can stop and view the penguins and not be pressured to follow others

Сultural  tourism is concerned with a country or region's culture, especially its arts. It generally focuses on traditional communities who have diverse customs, unique form of art and distinct social practices, which basically distinguishes it from other types/forms of culture. Cultural tourism mainly includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as museums and theatres. However, it can also include tourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous cultural communities (i.e. festivals, rituals), and their values and lifestyle.
Event tourism  is a type o tourism when a particular event, eg. the Olympics in London is "sold" to tourists. It seeks to maximize the tourist numbers by advertising and online promotions, and capitalize on the event by organizing and matching the various tours, transport needs, hotel reservations and tickets to events as much as possible so it is easy for tourists to pick the sort of options they want.
What other types of tourism do you know and which one do you prefer?

четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.

Women`s Day

International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. It is an occasion for looking back on past struggles and accomplishments, and more importantly, for looking ahead to the untapped potential and opportunities that await future generations of women.
In 1975, during International Women's Year, the United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day on 8 March. Two years later, in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. In adopting its resolution, the General Assembly recognized the role of women in peace efforts and development and urged an end to discrimination and an increase of support for women’s full and equal participation.
For information about recent themes and commemorations by the United Nations of International Women’s Day, please visit: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/feature/iwd 

понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

Mind the Abbreviations
AI - Amnesty International - Международная Амнистия - неправительственная организация в защиту прав человека. Основана в 1961 году в Лондоне юристом Питером Бененсоном.
APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation - Азиатско-Тихоокеанское экономическое сотрудничество (АТЭС)
ASEAN - the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Ассоциация государств Юго-Восточной Азии (АСЕАН) - субрегиональная организация, образованная в 1967 году
CIS - the Commonwealth of Independent States - Содружество независимых государств (СНГ)
EU - the European Union - Европейский cоюз (ЕС) - основан в 1958 году как Европейское Экономическое Сообщество. Название ЕС используется с 1993 года. Штаб-квартира организации находится в Брюсселе.
EBRD - the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Европейский банк реконструкции и развития (создан в 1990 году с целью оказания кредитной поддержки странам Восточной и Центральной Европы при переходе к рыночной экономике). Штаб-квартира в Лондоне.
EC - the European Commission - Европейская комиссия (исполнительный орган Евросоюза)
FATF - the Financial Action Task Force (on money laundering) - Международная группа по борьбе с отмыванием "грязных" денег
G8 - the Group of 8 - "большая восьмерка" индустриально развитых стран мира: (Канада, Франция, Германия, Италия, Япония, Россия, Великобритания, США)
IAEA - the International Atomic Energy Agency - Международное агентство по атомной энергии (МАГАТЭ), входящее в структуру ООН. 
Основано в 1957 году в целях содействия широкому использованию ядерной энергетики в мирных целях. Штаб-квартира организации расположена в Вене.
LAS - the League of Arab States - Лига Арабских Государств
OSCE - the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe - Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) со штаб-квартирой в Вене
OPEC - the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries - Организация стран-экспортеров нефти (ОПЕК). Штаб-квартира - в Вене.
PACE - the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Парламентская Ассамблея Совета Европы (ПАСЕ) - штаб-квартира в Страсбурге.
NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - Североатлантический Альянс (НАТО). Штаб-квартира в Брюсселе.
UNO - the United Nations Organisation - Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН). Штаб-квартира в Нью-Йорке.
UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation - специализированное учреждение ООН по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО)
UNICEF - the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund - Детский фонд ООН (ЮНИСЕФ), созданный в 1946 году с целью организации помощи детям в разрушенной войной Европе. В настоящее время ЮНИСЕФ занимается оказанием помощи детям развивающихся стран.
UNMOVIC - the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission - Комиссия ООН по наблюдению, контролю и инспекциям в Ираке
WTO - the World Trade organisation - Всемирная торговая организация (ВТО). Штаб-квартира - в Женеве.
WHO - the World Health Organisation - Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) - основана в 1948 году (штаб-квартира в Женеве)

понедельник, 4 февраля 2013 г.

Do you know that…?

 The first subway line (3.6 km) was built and launched in London January 10, 1863. The construction was made ​​by the company «Metropolitan Railways».  Initially, the first line of London underground was steam-power operated, and only  in 1890 it was replaced by electricity.

пятница, 25 января 2013 г.

Commemorating Vladimir Vysotsky

25.01. - the 75th birthday of Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir Vysotsky was born in Moscow on January 25, 1938. In 1955, he enrolled at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, but dropped out in order to attend the Moscow Art Theatre School. In the early 1960s, he recorded his first songs, which would later be heard through every window in the Soviet Union. In 1964, Vysotsky joined the Taganka Theatre, and he remained with the company until his death. He went on to star in a number of cult television shows and films, including “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and “Little Tragedies.” Vysotsky died in his sleep on July 25, 1980, presumably of a heart attack.