Read the quotes, choose one and comment on it:
H.W. Longfellow: The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well;
and doing well whatever you do, without a thought of fame.
L. Bacall: Stardom isn't a profession; it's an accident.
Ch. Churchill: Fame is nothing but an empty
nameL. Bacall: Stardom isn't a profession; it's an accident.
I don't agree with the last opinion. Of course, there are many things which are more important than fame. Some people say that all these awards are only useless statuettes and nothing more, they think that to become famous you should be lucky and that's all. But I'm sure that those people, who are famous now, they did everything to become popular. It isn't so easy as it seems to be. There are a few people, who became famous thanks to lucky moment, but it doesn't mean that fortune follow us everyday. You should be strong to win in battle to be first. So, i think, that Fame isn't an empty name, Fame is a proof of your hard work.
ОтветитьУдалитьL. Bacall: Stardom isn't a profession; it's an accident.
ОтветитьУдалитьFirstly, something can be your hobby. For example, it is theatre or music. And you just crazy about it, improve skills, but then it isn't enough and you start to perform. So, hobbies and interests can become a profession. That is why I don't agree with this quote. Stardom isn't an accident. If people like their work it can bring pleasure. Yes,fame and success are very hard work but it isn't an accident at all.
People must do a lot of things and make efforts to become a star; it is voluntarily.
I absolutely agree with the first quotation of H. W. Longfellow. A person can do successfully only those things which he really can do. It is perfect when a person work hard with pleasure, enjoy the process. He is really great when he doesn’t seek fame, and do something because of his interest or, for example, of his desire to help people or make them happier.
ОтветитьУдалитьI absolutely disagree with the last quotation. To my mind, nothing appears without its reason. So if someone is popular there is a reason for it. I think, that being famous is a hard work. Some people loose everything they have to achieve fame. And it only seems that fame is the result of some lucky accident. If some people are sure that fame is not something special than why are there not many people who got this status? The answer is that only talented, hardworking, individual, genius and patient people become famous.
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ОтветитьУдалитьI agree with H.W. Longfellow's quotation. If a person can do something well, it is a gift or talent, which should not be ignored. And if a person seeks to be good at doing what he have talent to do, he usually reaches in this area the greater heights. In my opinion people can achieve absolutely everything, even without being famous(everything depends on person's desires and aspirations). When a person does something for himrself or for other people and don't try to become famous - it is really commendable. I believe, such people, who brings good to others, always live happily. Because none fame makes you happier than people's sincere gratitude.
ОтветитьУдалитьI can't agree with the quotation of L.Bacall.
ОтветитьУдалитьBecause every accident is not accidental. And it is a fact. If you realy want to be a star, to be a famous man you should work hard. if you should't do it, you don't achieve your goal. Without working nothing will go like you want.And if you will try many times, if you want it very much and of cource work every day and you like it - it is your profession. It is easy to understand. you shouldn't rely on luck or accident.