суббота, 3 сентября 2016 г.

Multiple Intelligences

Dr Howard Gardner developed the theory of ‘Multiple Intelligences’. There are eight kinds of intelligence, not just one. People are intelligent in different ways and therefore they learn things in different ways. Do a test to learn your intelligence types.
Do you agree with the results?

9 комментариев:

  1. I did it. And I have musical, interpersonal and interpersonal intelligence. Then I have logical, kinesthetic, visual, linguistic and naturalist. It's strange that linguistic intelligence is the penultimate because I'm pretty good at languages.

  2. I did it and it turned out that I have intrapersonal, linguistic and interpersonal intelligence. This results are slightly different from ones that I had in the class because instead of interpersonal I had naturalistic intelligence. Nevertheless, I agree with this result .

  3. My results are the same as in the class. My strongest intelligences are musical, linguistic and intrapersonal.

  4. A have the same results as in the class ( intrapersonal, intrepersonal and kinethetic). I am pleased.
    Sivitskaya Anna

  5. So, I did it and I found that I have musical, intrapersonal and linguistic. But, in class I had interpersonal instees linguistic. But< to be honest, I agree with results.

  6. I have intrapersonal and musical. The results are the same as in the class

  7. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  8. I did it. And l have the same result as in the class. My intelligence are interpersonal and naturalist.
