суббота, 28 апреля 2012 г.


On the 29th of April, as every year since 1982, Dance Day will be celebrated all over the world by the international community of dancers. It is an initiative of the International Dance Council CID, UNESCO.
We have prepared the following guidelines as a checklist for persons institutionally involved
in the wider field of dance: teachers, choreographers, group leaders, journalists, researchers,
associations, suppliers, organizations etc.
The main purpose of Dance Day events is to attract the attention of the wider public to the art of dance. Emphasis should be given to addressing a “new” public, people who do not follow dance events during the course of the year.
Dance Day events may be special performances, open-door classes, public rehearsals, lectures,
exhibitions, articles in newspapers and magazines, dance evenings, radio and TV programs, visits, street shows, parades, shop window decorations etc.
Events are primarily organized by dance companies, amateur groups, schools, associations
and other institutions active in dance.

7 комментариев:

  1. Wow! Frankly speaking I have never heard about such an interesting holiday. I am sure that such kind of holidays should exist.And by the way we should involve people in taking part in it

  2. I think that this holiday very interesting but i donot understand why this holiday is celebrate?

  3. I think that holding such festivals should be that people showed their skills and develop their talents.

  4. It is very good, when the person has abilities to dance (a moonwalk for example). It is possible to "light" on any party=)

  5. It can remind us of such a kind of art like dancing.

  6. I did not know that there is a holiday - the Day Dance!!!
